Unlocking Your Hips: Why the Way You Sit for Meditation Matters
Benefits of Meditation

Unlocking Your Hips: Why the Way You Sit for Meditation Matters

Meditation is a practice that promises to open doors to inner peace, self-awareness, and clarity. Yet, how often do we consider the way we sit for meditation and its role in unlocking not only our ...
Athletes Who Meditate: How Meditation Fuels Athletic Success and Well Being
Benefits of Meditation

Athletes Who Meditate: How Meditation Fuels Athletic Success and Well Being

Are there sports stars who use meditation as part of their mental training? It is no secret that athletes work extremely hard to be the best and stay on top of their game. But it's clear that their...
Does Sound Meditation Work? A Beginner's Guide
How to Meditate

Does Sound Meditation Work? A Beginner's Guide

Do you ever feel your mood shift after listening to your favorite (or least favorite) song? There is a reason they say "music is medicine" after all, and a more profound way to reap the benefits of...
Why You Should Meditate Even If You DON'T Feel Anxiety

Why You Should Meditate Even If You DON'T Feel Anxiety

There are many reasons why you should meditate even if you DON'T feel anxiety. People have been meditating for thousands of years for different reasons. For example, the English word 'meditation' ...
How Meditation Can Counter a Lack of Focus

How Meditation Can Counter a Lack of Focus

A study found that people have wandering minds 47% of the time, which means they are not entirely focused or paying attention to what is in front of them. So, what are the consequences of a wanderi...

The Hidden Benefits of Outdoor Meditation

Meditation in nature offers many benefits not available in traditional indoor settings. It can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of city life. Traffic, noise, and crowds can all be over...
Banner image for connecting with God through meditation post
Benefits of Meditation

How to Connect With a Higher Power Through Meditation

Achieving a spiritual connection with God, the universe, or whatever we choose to associate with can feel like an immeasurable task. Yet, with the right steps and the proper intention, we can find ...
Image of man sitting on an ungloo box meditating outdoors by a lake
Benefits of Meditation

Tips for Meditating Outdoors

Meditation is a powerful, science-backed practice for increasing your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Outdoor meditation offers a stimulating and enjoyable experience that’s remarkably eff...
7 ways mediation can change the brain banner image with woman sitting in meditation chair
Benefits of Meditation

7 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change the Brain

Study after study has shown that meditation can change the brain. First, let’s get an idea of what meditation is. “A lot of people have this idea that meditation means sitting down and doing nothin...